The ESF Stakeholders survey will take place during the month of March.  We use this survey to find out about the impressions that parents, students and staff have formed of our school and how well they think the school is doing.  The feedback from the survey will help shape our new 3 Year Strategic Plan which starts at the beginning of the next Academic Year.  Our school results will then feed into an ESF-wide analysis and build on a similar survey conducted in 2010.

Responses will be treated as confidential and completely anonymous. The survey is completed on-line and invites are sent to participates and these will be sent by email in early March. For parents, one survey invite per child will be sent to your primary parental email address, as per our current gateway records. Therefore, a parent with two children at the school will receive two invites and can opt to either fill in the survey once, on behalf of both children, or fill in separately to reflect the different experiences that their children might have.

I strongly encourage all parents, appropriate students and staff to complete the survey so we can get a clear indication of what it is that we are doing well and what areas we really need to develop.

Survey categories include; Philosophy and Objectives, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Leadership and Management, Student Well-Being, Resources for Learning and Student and Community Life.

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