As you know the School had hoped to replace the climbing diamond with a new one.  After a lot of consultation with providers in Hong Kong, ESF and getting the views of the PTA, School Council and the Student Leaders we have committed to replacing both playgrounds at the same time.

This means that we can place a bigger and more challenging climbing frame where the current slide set is and place a more challenging and engaging slide set where the current climbing diamond is.

Please see attached below for drawings and click on the you tube links to see the type of equipment we are getting.  We have made a  conscious decision to go with challenging and engaging equipment that will have a controlled element of risk rather than wrap our children up in ‘cotton wool’ and provide equipment they will quickly get tired of as it is too easy and not challenging.

All the children have been showed the playground designs and videos and as you can appreciate they are very excited!  After the presentation I was asked by one Year 1 student if the new playground would ‘be here by tomorrow’.  It won’t be here tomorrow but the order has been confirmed meaning that when the children return from the Christmas break they should return to a new playground.

In terms of safety the staff will monitor closely the stations that need it and there will be strict rules around who can use what equipment on which days etc especially at the beginning.  There will also be rules around what each year group can do on particular stations e.g. sitting down versus standing up.


Playground Area 1 –  where the climbing diamond currently is

Playground Area 2 – where the slide set currently is

Product Videos available in links below:

Kompan Dome Concept:

Kompan Dome in real life action:

Kompan Supernova:

Kompan Spica:

Kompan Multispinner Carousel:

**Kompan Element Series (for Talus):

**Please note the ELEMENT series video shows a number of playground equipment pieces as part of that particular range.  We are getting the TALUS as seen in the plans above.

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